H&K Burst Trigger Pack Compression Rod Spring
Burst pack compression spring for compression rod found in all HK Burst Trigger Packs. This part, along with the compression rod, is the number one...
Burst Pack Trigger Spring - HK German
New HK German trigger return spring used on all HK 90 series burst trigger packs. MP5, HK53, G3 burst, 2 or 3 round burst trigger packs.
H&K 90 Series Burst Trigger Pack Compression Rod
This is an HK German factory part that is found in all HK burst trigger packs. This part, along with the compression rod spring, is the number one...
Heckler & Koch Factory Burst Trigger Pack Armorer's Tool
A must-have tool to maintain, disassemble, and reassemble burst trigger packs for cleaning and repair. This tool will save you a ton of...
New HK German Roller Sear for SEF & Navy trigger packs. This is the newer style "roller" type not the older friction type of sear. This item is also referred to as the catch with roller but more...
New HK German Factory 2 or 3-Round Burst Hammer
For all HK 90 series burst packs. It will fit both 2 & 3-round burst trigger packs. 0,1,3,F0,1,2,F0,1,30,1,2.
H&K Hammer Spring For HK Burst Trigger Pack
The HK German factory intermediate poundage "satin" gray hammer spring is found in all 9mm, 40/10, and .556/223 burst trigger packs and is proven to be...