HK SL8 & G36 Top Rail Screw
This rail screw is the standard length rail screw used for all SL8 and G36 top rails. With the exception of the dual and single option models. A must have part...
HK SL8 & G36 Top Rail Screw
This rail screw is the standard length rail screw used for all SL8 and G36 top rails. With the exception of the dual and single option models. A must have part...
Tommy Built HK G36, HK SL8 Carry Handle Top Rail - Black
G36 carry handle style top rail with rear Picatinny optics mount. This is designed to have the styling of the Iconic G36 carry handle optic...
New G36, SL8 LOW RISE TOP RAIL - FDE - Tommy Built Tactical
New, all aluminum, latest style & current production for the SL8-6 & G36 series of rifles. This is the perfect mounting solution...
Tommy Built HK G36, HK SL8 Carry Handle Top Rail - FDE
G36 carry handle style top rail with rear Picatinny optics mount. This is designed to have the styling of the Iconic G36 carry handle optic rail...
HK Factory German G36 & SL8 Side Rail With Screws
Up to two side rails can be used on a G36 UMP, one for each of the sides. Made from hard coat anodized aluminum.
Compatible With:
SL8 ful