FA Franklin Armory

Franklin Armory HK MP5/91/93 Binary Trigger Pack - HK-C1

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  • Franklin Armory HK MP5/91/93 Binary Trigger Pack - HK-C1
  • Franklin Armory HK MP5/91/93 Binary Trigger Pack - HK-C1
Now: $629.99
Was: $699.95


Franklin Armory BFSIII HK-C1 Binary Trigger Pack For H&K 90 Series

The BFSIII™ for HK is a 3-Position Trigger. In position 3 it will fire 1 round on Pull and 1 round on Release. This makes it the fastest semi-automatic trigger on the market. The BFSIII™ is ideal for tactical and competition use. The BFSIII™ provides greatly reduced split times between rounds and the ability to place two separate shots into a tighter group.

Binary triggers count as 4 922r compliant components. The components that count towards 922r compliance include the trigger pack box, trigger, hammer, and sear.

Compatible With:

  • HK MP5 & SP5
  • HK MP5K & SP5K
  • HK G3
  • HK 91
  • In-spec clones and builds

***Don't forget to order the following items: Ejector lever, Ejector lever spring and ejector lever axle as they are not included in this trigger pack.


  • 3-position trigger pack

Specifically made for HK guns Ideal for tactical and competition use Provides greatly reduced split times between rounds Able to place two separate shots into a tighter group

Important Note: Remember to order the following items separately as they are not included with this trigger pack: Ejector Lever, Ejector Lever Spring, and Ejector Lever Axle.

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Firearm Model:
Firearm Model:
Firearm Model:
Firearm Model:
Firearm Model:
HK 94
Firearm Model:
HK 91
Firearm Model:
HK 93
5.56 / .223
7.62 / .308
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2 Reviews

  • 4

    Cons: Minor issues, ejector not included. It wasn't difficult to remove the ejector, pin, and spring...

    Posted by wilfulton on 30th Mar 2022

    Cons: Minor issues, ejector not included. It wasn't difficult to remove the ejector, pin, and spring from my old trigger pack, but for the money it would be nice to include this. Manual of arms is more akin to AR-15 than proper HK (can't engage safety with hammer down). Not a big deal, but it is different from HK. Minor issues inserting safety selector axle. A few taps with a mallet were required in order to insert it so the trigger would actually function, doesn't smooth in nicely like you expect from an HK axle. The ambidextrous safety isn't too useful to me, and I find that it impinges on positioning my trigger finger. I simply use the round cover (included) and call it a day. Pros: The trigger pull is NICE. Stock HK trigger are kind of heavy with ample creep, not so with this trigger. I really like it. I would buy a trigger pack like this even if it didn't have a binary mode. Binary mode seems to work just fine.

  • 5

    I purchased this trigger for my PTR 9KT, and it was an incredibly easy 10 minute install. I had nev...

    Posted by Davis on 9th Jan 2022

    I purchased this trigger for my PTR 9KT, and it was an incredibly easy 10 minute install. I had never done any mods on firearms before, and had no issues here. I removed the PTR lower, removed the safety lever and stock trigger pack. Then I took the ejector and spring from the stock pack, installed it in the Franklin binary and dropped the trigger pack right in. Smooth and easy. Immediately took it to the range and it functioned flawlessly. This thing is a blast for mag dumps, and excellent for easy and controlled 2 shot groups.

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